Its Lion Dance Time Now

Singapore and Lion are synonyms for Children.
Its Lion Dance Time Now!.
So what you do during holidays?
Make the Lions Dance in your drawings!
Thats what buddy has done during these september holidays!


Girl Tree and Sheep

Little bo-peep
Has Lost her sheep
And can't tell where to find them
Leave them aloneand they'll come home
Bringing their tails behind them

Buddy Grown Up Wearing Spectacles Now a days!

Buddy has grownup
He got spects.
So he observed his dad's spectacles too.
Buddy with his friends(!) ,dad and mom.
Dad is now with spectacles.
Earlier in family photo buddy did not put spectacles for dad.
But now he has put spectacles.
Observation comes now that spectacles is one which is new.
Buddy got spectacles.
So whats dad is wearing is not part of human being so put that now as well.

Of late its realy cool place here. So buddy is lazying around at home with drawings like above!


A Singaporean View of Nature

Butterfly at sky
Star Man
Christmas Tree
Snowman(in Pink) with Hat
A tree atop a bee has built an House
The painter boy looking from Window of Home
Next to him is the Dumb Blogger viewing.
The stars & lights in the sky reflecting in Red and scattering in colours
